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From Portal to Code

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Following the conversation on Deployment Stamps, Carl and Brandon dive into the concepts of Infrastructure as Code (IaC) and its applications in cloud computing. The hosts discuss the benefits of using IaC, including version control and transparency in infrastructure deployment, making it easier to understand what has been built and why. They also highlight the importance of governance, such as naming conventions, in IaC, as this can make it easier to find resources later on. Carl and Brandon cover both first and third-party IaC frameworks, as well as pros and cons of each.

Recent Episodes

Paying Forward the Postage () : Carl and Brandon discuss the Deployment Stamp pattern and how it can improve your efficiency in the cloud. Create reproducible deployments across multiple environments, save on costs, and scale dynamically to meet demand.
Agile Hobbies () : Carl shares his journey of transitioning a 20-year-old hobby project into a robust app, highlighting the importance of modern software development practices. The hosts discuss version control, formatting, and the concept of cloud readiness, emphasizing their relevance in both professional and personal cloud-based development.
Hello World! () : In the inaugural episode of CloudChat, hosts Carl and Brandon introduce themselves and discuss their backgrounds, aiming to provide insights into building and maintaining cloud solutions, covering topics such as engineering, architecture, and operations.